Friday, October 14, 2011

What is Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition?

Liferay Portal Enterprise Edition (EE) is a commercial version of our market leading open source portal that provides an alternative for enterprises that face hindrances to adopting open source software. It is offered under a subscription service that further solidifies Liferay's existing long-term support and maintenance offerings.
Unlike subscription options introduced for other open source products, Liferay Portal EE will not mean any changes for the community. Nothing changes except that companies needing long-term support over releases will now get it via a subscription and services contract.
Liferay Portal EE is made available via an Enterprise Subscription and Support contract that also provides business-critical service level agreements up to 365x24x1 hour phone support. In addition, a longer support period will provide stability and ongoing updates to organizations seeking to use a single stable version of the portal over several years. Support is provided by the Liferay engineering team located throughout the globe and is sold on a per server basis.


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