Monday, October 31, 2011

Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires in 2011

10 : Japan

japan flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 26

09 : Brazil

Brazil Flag Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 30

08 : United Kingdom

uk flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 33

07 : Hong Kong

Hong Kong Flag Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 36

06 : Turkey

turkey flag Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 38

05 : Germany

germany flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 52

04 : India

india flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 55

03 : Russia

russia flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 101

02 : China

china flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 128

01 : United States

us flag1 Top 10 Countries With the Most Billionaires   2011
Number Of Billionaires : 412


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