Monday, October 10, 2011

Tips to Save Power

Saving on power use is a key way to make a big difference for both the environment and your pocketbook. There are various easy ways to cut down on the power used in your home.
  1. Turn It Off, Unplug It or Turn It Down

    • Turn off lights, computers and TVs when not in use. Unplug phone and computer chargers when not actually charging as well. All of the little chargers and unused appliances can use as much energy as your fridge! Unplug everything you are not using. If unplugging everything seems unlikely in your tech-savvy household, plug into power strips and turn off the strip when you aren't using the appliances or electronics. This will have the same effect.
      Keep your thermostat set in the 60s or 50s during winter, and dress warmly inside instead of heating the room to summer temps. Similarly, don't cool the house to excess in summer. If you need A/C, keep it set up in the 70s instead of cooling your house to 60 and freezing yourself out. If you live in an area where humidity is not generally a problem, run a swamp cooler instead of A/C. It costs much less to install and uses 75 percent less energy. You can also use a ceiling fan to keep the air moving; it will make 75 degrees feel like 68.


    • Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) can save 75 percent of your lighting energy over traditional lightbulbs, so make the switch to CFLs--either all at once or gradually as the incandescents burn out. Turn off the lights when you leave a room or when you already have enough natural light. Use smaller lamps when possible instead of higher-wattage lighting.


    • Wash your clothes in cold water, and hang them out to dry rather than using a dryer. This saves power to heat the water and cuts out the energy needed for a dryer completely. This can make a drastic difference in your overall power use. If you can't hang your clothes outside, at least use an energy-smart dryer, and keep the vent and lint filter clean.


    • With a tankless water heater, you will use about half as much energy to heat your water. This is because tankless units heat water on demand, so they don't use power to keep it hot all the time. Also, when using small amounts of water, you can also heat water on the stove rather than running water until it comes hot out.
      Install low-flow toilets, faucets and shower heads to cut down the power needed to heat and pump water (and to clean it up again at the water waste plant once it has been wasted). Showering saves energy compared to taking a bath for the same reasons.

    Seal It Up

    • Install power-saving windows and seal carefully around the ones you have. Install insulation in your crawl space and attic, and make sure your pipes, water heater and air ducts are insulated and wrapped well. This will save on the power used for heating and cooling your house as well as your water supply.

    In the Kitchen

    • When reheating food for one or two people, try to use a low-watt microwave rather than the oven. You will save energy in the heating, as well as in cooling your house, because ovens use more energy and heat up the room while they're doing it.
      Use pots that match the burner size when heating things on the stove, a pot that is too small or too large for the burner uses more energy to heat. Put a lid on the pot as well, this will help it boil faster, and in so doing use less energy.

Read more: Tips to Save Power


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