Monday, October 10, 2011

Tips to Get Fit Fast

Nowadays, getting fit is everyone's goal, but typically, individuals go about their fitness programs haphazardly and end up setting themselves up for failure. With a few small additions to your fitness program, you too can lose weight, get fit and stay that way. Here are some great tips to help you reach your fitness goals quickly and effectively, but also, more importantly, to help you succeed in keeping the weight off.
  1. Eat Right

    • One of the best tips given to any dieter is to eat well, from the beginning. This includes significantly increasing your raw fruit and vegetables. Your diet should be 80 percent alkaline foods (fruits, vegetables) and 20 percent acidic foods (meat, dairy, starches), meaning your diet should consist of much more fruits and vegetables than meat. By removing most of the dairy and starches in your diet, or replacing them with low-fat, low-calorie alternatives, you will reduce your caloric intake. Reducing your daily caloric intake will mean your body is in caloric deficit and will begin to burn stored fat to keep up.


    • Exercising for 20 to 30 minutes before each meal will help stimulate your metabolism, so that it burns more calories and works more efficiently throughout the day. If you work out three times a day, your body will burn fats and unnecessary calories throughout the day, even when you sleep, so that it is constantly burning fat. This makes you a more effective and efficient calorie and fat
      burner. If you can't fit exercise in three times a day--and most trainers and nutrition experts will argue that you can--you can work out for 30 to 45 minutes a day, preferably first thing in the morning, so your metabolism is kicked into high gear for the rest of the day. It does not need to be extreme exercise; jogging, walking or swimming will suffice. The point is you need to get active to burn the fuel reserves.

    Vitamins and Minerals

    • Most people may resort to diet pills to lose weight, but they rarely work as promised. However, there are supplements you can take that will help your body function better and speed up your metabolism. Adding a vitamin B-complex, vitamin C, calcium and zinc to your diet will help rev up your metabolism. Each of these elements is known for its metabolic assistance, as well as its multiple health benefits. Since they are elements you need, they are not harmful to the body. You should take at least 1,000mg of calcium, not only for bone health, but for fat utilization. Take 10 to 20mg of zinc a day to help speed up metabolism. All these vitamins and minerals can be found in a solid multi-vitamin or separately. A vitamin B-complex is often combined with vitamin C, which makes it easier to take.


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