Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The fastest internet connection in the world

A new optical technologies for The fastest internet connection in the world are being tested in Japan. Fierce, technology is capable of reaching speeds of 30 terabit per second (Tbps) or more than 32 billion Kbps.
internet speed The fastest internet connection in the world
The trial has been conducted by KDDI R & D Labs with the National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) in Japan. Tested using the technology called OFDM transmission alias orthogonal frequency divisionmultiplex.
Just to compare, internet connection speed is still far-very far from being achieved in these trials. Speeds of 500 kilobits per second (Kbps), for example, has included quite normal to use everyday. While the average internet speed in the world, based on final 2008 data, is 1.5 Mbps or 1500 Kbps.
Well, 30 terabit per second is approximately equivalent to 32 billion kilobits per second. At this rate, per second of data can be sent to reach 3.9 million MB, or nearly 1,000 pieces of DVD movies per second.
As quoted from the Nikkei on Thursday (30/07/2009), trials were conducted at a distance of 240 kilometers, which means not just testing at close range. KDDI plans to commercialize this technol
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