Friday, October 14, 2011

ASP.NET Web Forms Tech Lead

Job Description

1) Technical Competence
  • Areas of Expertise :Object Oriented Analysis and Design, .NET, ASP.NET, C#.NET, MSSQL
  • Architect: Experienceof designing and architecting the software. Strong knowledge of n-tierarchitecture.
  • Expertise in WCF, ASP.NET MVC would be an added-advantage
2) Experience in unittesting, integration testing, performance testing
3) Knowledge about topics such as TDD, design patterns, CI etc.
4) Experience in teambased development with industry standard source control, issue management,build systems etc. is an advantage

Desired Skills & Experience

1) Technical Competence
  • Areas of Expertise :Object Oriented Analysis and Design, .NET, ASP.NET, C#.NET, MSSQL
  • Architect: Experienceof designing and architecting the software. Strong knowledge of n-tierarchitecture.
  • Expertise in WCF, ASP.NET MVC would be an added-advantage
2) Experience in unittesting, integration testing, performance testing
3) Knowledge about topics such as TDD, design patterns, CI etc.
4) Experience in teambased development with industry standard source control, issue management,build systems etc. is an advantage

Company Description

Zevenseas has been a recognised expert in SharePoint for more than 3 years. As a boutique consultancy they are focused on deploying creativity and technical expertise to business problems, creating solutions that make SharePoint shine.
Zevenseas is committed to providing people with an environment that promotes high performance at a sustainable pace. Everyone should get better, every day, and our team and respect for your life outside of work, makes that possible.
For more information about Zevenseas India:
 Click Here To Apply


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