Friday, November 11, 2011

What Is HTML5

As the bedrock to the web, HTML has evolved in many ways from its birth in 1991. While the markup language has had its share of ups and downs, the advent of what’s being called “HTML5” is a welcome and much anticipated addition of new semantic capabilities and valuable APIs.
While the HTML has had its share of ups and downs, the advent of “HTML5” is a welcome and much anticipated addition of new semantic capabilities and valuable APIs.
What Is HTML5?
HTML5 is a series of new elements, updates to existing elements and new JavaScript APIs available through contemporary web browsers. In order to best describe what HTML5 is, perhaps starting with a few attributes of what HTML5 is not will help draw the most clear picture.
HTML5 is not the next iteration of XHTML. In fact many of the rules that you are accustomed to from your familiarity with XHTML are now changed in HTML5. The promise of XHTML’s standards compliance and strict validation may be music to the ears of all of us as software developers, but the pragmatic outcome of broken layouts and validation errors bubbling up to users created an unforeseen outcome - programmatic perfection does not translate into a usable web. XHTML simply isn’t a long-term standard.
The real world of the web contains scores of ill-formed HTML largely created by tools and people with less exacting standards than the conscientious web developer. While this may sound bad, the non-code enthusiasts are often tasked with creating content for the web and have no inclination to worry about whether or not every HTML attribute has a value in their markup, for instance.
HTML5 moves beyond the utopian dream of strict compliance to a schema and places the highest value on the user of the website over the HTML craftsman.
HTML5 places the highest value on the user of the website over the HTML craftsman.
“HTML5” no longer exists. In a strict sense, the term “HTML5” is a misnomer as there are no longer standalone versions of HTML. In the earliest incarnation of HTML5, there existed a notion of the next version of HTML being termed HTML5. The label of “HTML5” took hold in the market and started being used almost as an umbrella term for “the latest thing” in web development. Recently, Ian Hickson announced in his blog post, HTML is the New HTML5 (, the standards document once known as “HTML5” is now being maintained under the auspices of the plain name “HTML” as a fluid specification. The reasoning behind this is because HTML5 became a blanket term for many different technologies and browser vendors are implementing different parts of the standard. Therefore, the notion of “detecting HTML5” or “supporting HTML5” represents faulty thinking. Rather than looking for HTML5 in its totality, developers are better served by detecting the individual functionality required from HTML for an application.
So if HTML5 isn’t XHTML plus some new dazzling features, what is it? Simply put, HTML5 is the new HTML standard that includes most of the features and capabilities of HTML4 along with new semantic markup plus a number of new JavaScript APIs.
For clarity’s sake, this article still refers to the combination of markup enhancements and new JavaScript APIs as HTML5 in order to easily identify new technologies.
Semantic Markup
The value of Semantic markup on the web cannot be understated. When you consider many of the changes related to semantic markup you may realize that seemingly very little is different. While changing a DIV to a SECTION may not seem revolutionary, the underlying value is found in the page’s ability to more clearly describe the intent of the containing content with new tags over the old ones. Pages that contain inherent meaning will ultimately perform better in search engines, are easier to parse on the client and easier for external machines on the web to interpret and understand.
The semantic changes are a product of established design patterns. The contributors to the HTML5 specification include companies like Google, Microsoft, Apple, all the top browser vendors and literally hundreds of other organizations. These contributors analyzed the vast array of markup on the web and looked to create new HTML elements that reflect the intent of current makeup on the web.
So while new elements may not seem earth-shattering, the value is to give more intrinsic meaning to your HTML documents which creates a more open and usable web. Table 1 lists many of the HTML elements introduced in HTML5.
JavaScript APIs
If the first part of the equation of HTML5 is the markup, then the second half is represented by the new JavaScript APIs. In fact, the more you begin to develop applications in HTML5, the more you realize that most of the new functionality is in the updated scripting abilities of the browser.
While browser support for each script API is diverse among the browser landscape, Table 2 describes the promise of each API once fully supported.
Browser Support and the New Age of “Browser Wars”
In the early days of the web the browser landscape was akin to the Wild West. Each browser vendor, in an attempt to gain the most market share, began quickly implementing new features often using proprietary APIs. This fragmentation in the market created a situation where websites might only work correctly in a single browser or development teams were forced to replicate programming efforts in order to provide the same functionality for different browsers. In short, the situation was a lose/lose proposition for both web developers and website users.
The end of the browser wars emerged with the rising influence of the Web Standards Project which worked hard to get browser makers to agree to work within the established standards.
So the distinction today about the push and pull toward complete support for HTML5 is that each browser maker is implementing against the same standard. Long gone are the days where in order to implement the same functionality on a page you had to code for the Netscape API as well as the Internet Explorer API. Now the APIs are known and standardized, the dance now is just compensating for the time when a user’s browser may not have the capabilities of the standard.
To best aid you in reliably developing applications in HTML5 there are two resources that are invaluable:
  • Modernizr: Modernizr is a JavaScript library that implements detection features for different areas of the HTML5 specification. Rather than asking a browser whether or not it supports HTML5, you use Modernizr to find out if the particular feature you are expecting in the browser is supported.
  • The website attempts to match different capabilities with different web browsers. If you need to know if an area of HTML5 will work for your target users, this website will help you make that decision.

To Use or Not To Use: SECTION or DIV?

Determining the difference between when to use the SECTION element over a DIV may seem a little confusing at first. A valuable rule of thumb to help you decide which element is appropriate is to ask whether or not the element you need to add to the page is intended to establish a logical group around content or if it’s merely being added to support styling of the page. In the case of logical grouping, use the SECTION. To support styling needs, use a DIV.

Table 1: Listing of new HTML elements found in HTML5.
articleThe article wraps the primary content of a web page. Often there is only one article per page, but there is no formal restriction to the number of occurrences on a page.
asideAs the article content represents the primary content on the page, an aside is meant to contain information peripherally related to the main content of the page.
audioThe audio element renders a media player specifically tailored for presenting audio files to the user.
canvasThe canvas element is a pixel-based drawing surface manipulated through a JavaScript API.
commandUsed to add responsiveness to the user interface, the command element acts as a container for common functionality on the page and returns state information indicating whether or not the command is enabled or disabled.
datalistThe datalist element enumerates a set of predefined options available in input fields.
detailsUsed in conjunction with the summary element, the details element contains information that is alternatively displayed and hidden from the user when the summary element is clicked.
embedThe embed element is a new tag that defines a plugin or other external content to the page.
figcaptionUsed along with the figure element, the figcaption serves as a container for a short description for the related figure.
figureThe figure element contains content like screenshots or code listings within a page.
footerThe footer element is a logical container for content that concludes a logical section. Common content found at the bottom of a page, like navigation and copyright information, are often associated with the footer element at the page root.
headerThe header element is a logical group that introduces another logical section. The header at the root of the document wraps common navigation, logo and other elements often found at the top of a web page.
hgroupThe hgroup element acts as a container for H1 - H6 HTML heading elements creating a semantic link between the headings.
keygenUsed for cryptography, the keygen element generates a private key stored on the user’s machine and a public key which is sent to the server.
markThe mark element is intended to facilitate highlighting text from a search.
meterThe meter element is created to represent values in between a known minimum and maximum range.
navProviding semantic meaning to a site’s navigation, the nav element wraps navigation elements in context of the site.
outputThe output element is used to represent the output of script calculation on the page.
progressThe purpose of the progress element is to display the ongoing advancement of a task as the result of a script on the page.
rpThe rp element is used to display parenthesis around ruby text that is not supported by a browser. (If ruby and rt elements are supported then rp should be hidden via the style sheet.)
rtThe rt element identifies the actual ruby text section of a ruby annotation.
rubyThe ruby element contains text with ruby annotations to support character-based languages like Chinese or Japanese.
sectionThe section element is used to delineate logical segments in a page.
sourceThe source element is used in conjunction with the audio and video elements to define the source media for the players.
summaryUsed in combination with the details element, the summary element wraps content that is alternately displayed and hidden to the viewer based on whether or not content in the details element is clicked.
timeThe time element is used to mark up a single point in date and time.
videoThe video element renders a media player specifically tailored for presenting audio files to the user.
wbrUsed to provide hyphenation guides for long words, the wbr element (or “word break”) helps the page decide where to break long words if necessary.

Table 2: New JavaScript APIs found in HTML5.
Canvas 2D ContextProviding a 2D drawing context native to the browser, the Canvas API is the interface to the new Canvas element.
ContactsThe Contacts API is an interface to a unified address book on the client.
File APIsThe collection of new File APIs grants read/write access to sandboxed files and folders on the client’s machine.
FormsThe Forms API extends the input type to recognize custom data types, enforces validation and adds new additional features to improve the user experience of web forms.
GeolocationGeolocation is an API that manages scripted and verified access to the user’s physical location.
~Indexed DatabaseProviding the interface for a client-side database, the Index Database API exposes both index and key-based access to data in the database.
Media CaptureThe Media Capture API creates a channel to the device’s audio, image and media capabilities.
MessagingThe Messaging API exposes an interface to the devices messaging capabilities including SMS, MMS and email.
MicrodataThe Microdata API enables web pages to easily be both human and machine-readable.
Offline Web ApplicationsTaking browser cache to the next level, Offline Web Applications create useable pages when the client is disconnected from the web.
Selectors Level 1 & 2Updates to the Selectors engine bring CSS3 selectors to first-class DOM selection in JavaScript.
Server-Sent EventsThe Server-Sent Events API allows push notifications from the server to be consumed on the client in the form of DOM elements.
Web NotificationsWeb Notifications define a structured way to display messages to the user and provide the appropriate events for the page to respond.
Web SocketsThe Web Sockets API allows for two-way communication between the client and server.
Web StorageImplemented as local or session storage, Web Storage provides a key/pair persistence location for a web page.
Web WorkersWeb Workers brings threading capabilities to the UI layer.
XMLHttpRequest Level 2The HTMLHttpRequest Level 2 API enhances ‘Ajax’ to support cross-origin requests, progress events, and handling byte streams for sending and receiving data to and from the server.


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