Thursday, October 27, 2011

Visual Studio Keyboard Shortcuts

Visual Studio 2003 & 2005 Default Keyboard Shortcuts
Text Manipulation Copy Ctrl + C
Ctrl + X Paste Ctrl + V
Ctrl + Z Redo Ctrl + Shift + Z
Transpose characters
Ctrl + T Transpose Lines Shift + Alt + T
Transpose Words
Ctrl + Shift + T Cut Line Ctrl + L
Delete Line
Ctrl + Shift + L Insert Line Above Ctrl + Enter
Insert Line Below
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Delete word to right Ctrl + Delete
Delete word to left
Ctrl + Backspace Collapse All Ctrl + M, O
Toggle outlining
Ctrl + M, M Toggle All Outlining Ctrl + M, L
Comment Selection
Ctrl + K, C Uncomment Selection Ctrl + K, U
Format Selection
Ctrl +K, F Format Document Ctrl + K, D
Make lowercase
Ctrl + U Make uppercase Ctrl + Shift + U
Delete horizontal whitespace
Ctrl + K, \ Toggle overtype/insert Insert
Toggle wordwrap
Ctrl +R, R Toggle whitespace Ctrl + R, W
Text Navigation Document end Ctrl + End
Document start
Ctrl + Home Go to line Ctrl + G
Go to matching brace
Ctrl + [ Scroll line Ctrl + [Up/Down]
Next word
Ctrl + Right Previous word Ctrl + Left
Next bookmark
Ctrl + K, N Previous bookmark Ctrl + K, P
Quick info
Ctrl + K, I
Text Selection Extend Selection Shift + [Arrow]
Select to end of document
Ctrl + Shift + End Select to start of document Ctrl + Shift + Home
Select to matching brace
Ctrl + Shift + ] Select to end of line Shift + End
Select to start of line
Shift + Home Extend selection by page Shift + [Page Up/Down]
Select to bottom of view
Ctrl + Shift + Page Down Select to top of view Ctrl + Shift + Page Up
Select All
Ctrl + A Select Word Ctrl + W
Select to last position
Ctrl + = Select to next word Ctrl + Shift + Right
Select to previous word
Ctrl + Shift + Left
Searching/Referencing Find all references Shift + F12
Next Location
F8 Previous Location Shift + F8
Ctrl + F Find in Files Ctrl + Shift + F
Find Next
F3 Find Previous Shift + F3
Find Next Selected
Ctrl + F3 Find Previous Selected Ctrl + Shift + F3
Ctrl + H Replace in Files Ctrl + Shift + H
Debugging Apply Code Changes Alt + F10
F5 Run w/o Debug Ctrl + F5
Shift + F5 Run to Cursor Ctrl + F10
Set Next Statement
Ctrl + Shift + F10 Step Over F10
Step Into
F11 Step Out Shift + F11
Call stack
Ctrl + Alt + C Breakpoints Ctrl + Alt + B
Ctrl + Alt + D Exceptions Ctrl + Alt + E
Ctrl + Alt + I Modules Ctrl + Alt + U
Quick Watch
Ctrl + Alt + Q Registers Ctrl + Alt + G
Running Documents
Ctrl + Alt + N Threads Ctrl + Alt + T
View Autos
Ctrl + Alt + V, A View Locals Ctrl + Alt + V, L
View This
Ctrl + Alt + V, T View Watch 1-4 Ctrl + Alt + W, [1-4]
View Memory 1-4
Ctrl + Alt + M, [1-4] Toggle Breakpoint F9
New breakpoint
Ctrl + B Clear All Breakpoints Ctrl + Shift + F9
Attach to processes
Ctrl + Alt + F9
Designer View Code F7
View Designer
Shift + F7


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