Sunday, January 2, 2011

Google Changes their Favicon Again

Yes, Google now changed their Favicon again. Last year at the end of May they changed their initial minimalist Favicon with that simple G in caps within a border of different colors of the Google logo. Then they came up with a more minimal design of the favicon with small g in blue and nothing else, which they said to be compatible for iPhones.

But in reality people disliked this favicon much and said a lot about it. At some time Google was indecisive about this favicon and asked its users and well wisher to vote among over 300 favicons they experimented on. Maybe it was the realization that their experiment didn’t went well with age old users.

Now they have come up a new favicon which incorporates all the colors of the Google logo, which has a much better presence than the previous one. Google though has always preferred minimalist and clean interfaces this time their choice of favicon has broke most of their conventions. This favicon has been the most colorful part of Google ever. Though it may not fit well with Google standards of simplistic approach to User Interfaces, this favicon is definitely going to put Google distinctly ahead among several other bookmarks in users’ lists.

But still I think this is also not the definite match for Google’s favicon. The small g is not so much noticeable within the colorful background. May be the implementation is not the best of it. The favicon shows much space at the left but in browsers it doesn’t come like that. The small g in feeling to be much forcefully confined within the space and it may be a problem to understand for new users.

But still it is definitely better than the previous one. At least it looks much lively which the previous one was not at all. But still my favorite – The initial one.


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